Your Future, Your Plan!

Closing Consultation of Eastington Neighbourhood Development Plan [NDP]

Just a few days remain for you to comment on this important plan; it will affect all of us who live and work in this Parish during the next two decades.  So much has been said in conversation by so many, about various building developments that are changing the place where we live. But without writing down your opinions your voice will not be heard.

(If needed, help will be available at the meeting below to get your opinions written down.)

At the start of the six-week public consultation period, a leaflet was hand-delivered to every home in the Parish. It explained what this Plan means and what it will do for you; it says how you can read the Plan and where to find it.  You were invited to any of three places in the Village so you can talk about anything that concerns you.

 By the time you read this you will still have a chance to come to the last meeting on:

                Saturday 6th June from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon in the Village Hall

What about recreation and things to do for young people?  
What about protecting bungalows from demolition for high density housing?


This Plan deals with:

   “Getting about the place” [using roads, pavements and footpaths.];

   Looking after wildlife and the environment;  

   Employment [commercial businesses and where people work;]

   Restoration of the Canal;

   Renewable Energy.  

This Plan will have power to control how and where things are built around us during the next 20 years. Within the guidance and interpretation of the Plan, developers naturally will examine the wording of our Plan carefully in order to build what best fits their objectives.

Getting the wording right for the community is obviously essential, and now its down to you for your approval and comment.

A few examples of some key points in the Draft Plan:-  (pg. references are to the printed booklet)

Redrawing an ‘envelope’ around the Village centre so new homes are within walking distance of  the main facilities. [pg. 16 and Map 4 on pg. 24]

A proposed relief road to ease congestion through Victoria Drive’s road network. [pg 34 Map 6]

Encouragement of limited building within each of the hamlets to ensure the hamlets are ‘not allowed to decline’; to avoid the real danger of their ‘neglect and decay.’  [pg 10 & 16]

Preservation of Open Green Spaces [pg. 27 Map 5.]

There are many other points within the Draft Plan to aid the development, prosperity and well-being of people living or working in Eastington.  Besides being your democratic right to comment on the Plan, your written views are vital to give the Plan authority; to shape our surroundings over the next twenty years.

TWO ways to send your written comments to the consultation:

1.  e-mail responses to

2.  hard copy letter or form should be posted to

Eastington Parish Council,  c/o GRCC,

Community House,

15 College Green,

Gloucester, GL1 2LZ

Comments must be received by 12:00 midnight on Friday  12th June 2015.

Although much work and thought has gone into preparing this Draft Plan, the rules say that you must be given this last chance to confirm that you agree with the Plan or to ask to change or add things to it.  

It’s your democratic right to have your say.  

Why leave it to others to write your future?

produced by the community, for the community


Our plan was submitted to all in our Parish, along with other statutory organisations, on the 1st May. You will have received through your letterbox a sheet of paper explaining how to access the plan and how to comment on it

                            -  Does it all matter? Frankly yes it does:

For the last three years a group of local people have worked incredibly hard to write this plan and consult with as many of you as possible in the process.

Tom Low wrote the housing section, a hugely complex task and as always very contentious, when house building is being debated.

Mark Campbell wrote the environmental section and prepared all the maps replicated in the plan, he with Tom were instrumental in ensuring that the plan was properly crafted and in good order before going to the printers.  

Andrew Niblett contributed the renewable energy section,

Pauline Allen the Transport sdection

myself and Russell Warner  the employment section

A number of us made contributions to the general sections.

Peter Edis-Bates Chaired the group valiantly over the three years.  

All of us live and breathe the Parish everyday of our lives so much so that we have been prepared to give up hundreds of hours of our time to produce your Neighbourhood Plan.

All of us commend this plan to you.

If you continue to support the plan it will be the guide upon which all planning applications in the Parish are decided for the next twenty years. The plan describes quite explicitly how many and what type of new houses we are prepared to accept into our Parish and where we will accept them. It also describes where new houses will not be accepted. It gives guidance on in-fill and extensions to houses. It spells out how we will support employment as well as our intentions concerning traffic and renewable energy.

This plan will go through a process culminating in a referendum in the Parish later this year, where, if more than 50% of those who vote, vote for the plan it will become legally binding. This is not just another book produced by a local Council; It is a development plan produced by our own community and has real power and WILL determine planning applications. Please read it and let us have your views.  

All of us are available to discuss the plan, feel free to make contact.

Daniel James