Do you have a facebook account?   Do you Love Eastington?

Then why not join in the Parish conversation

at    ‘Love Eastington’  on facebook!

Over 650 Eastington-o-philes have already joined and Eastington-related  posts are welcome from all group members.  You don’t have to ‘join’  just to see what is being said.

This facebook page is not run by by ECN, but we will be contributing regularly with news updates,  special events, reminders and notices.

If you don’t already have a facebook account, this could be a great reason to open one!

Do you tweet?

If so, please follow us                                         and retweet us to your followers.

We will not fill up your timeline with daily tweets, but we try to keep you in touch with all things Eastington-related - ECN news updates, special event reminders and notices.

Don’t  be left out!

Diary Dates mentioned in this issue

Your news... your ECN!

Contributions to ECN are welcome

from anyone connected with Eastington Parish, past or present.  

Send your copy by email to the Articles Editor at:

Next deadline for submission: Friday 13th May 2016

Next Delivery: 28th - 29th May

The editor reserves the right to reject or shorten contributions.

The views expressed in ECN are not necessarily those of the editors.

By the community, for the community

Letters from your Parish and District councillors,

Parish notices, and advice from our Village Agent

Daniel James  on Ecotricity proposals

Services and activites at Eastington Methodist Church

And St Micheal and All Angels’

News from the  Playgroup, and activities for little ones

News from our ECO, PROWD, Jolly Joggers, Slimming World, and the Eastington Community Land Trust


Puzzles for the little ones.

Return to ecn home page for access to the

What’s On, the Blue Pages and other goodies.

In this issue…

Editorial by Andrew  Niblett

Severn Vale Rotary, Cotswold Canal Trust,

Gloucestershire Mobility and the CAB

An invitation from Frampton Bowls Club

and other events and advertisements

The rise and fall of Alkerton House by Steve Mills

 Plus - The Badger wins CAMRA award

E.C.Orchard Group. Alkerton House

Photo: Jonathan Watson

PROWD (footpaths)

April - May 2016

8th   April  Parish Council candidate list published

9th   April  Severn Bore Family Breakfast (Rotary)

17th April  PROWD walk - 2pm  meet at Kings Head

18th April  Electoral Roll registration deadline

29th April-2nd May   Badger Beer and Cider Festival

5th  May  Parish Council Elections

                (if more than 9 candidates)

15th May  PROWD walk

                 2pm  meet at Kings Head

21st-29th May   Nailsworth Festival

23rd June EU Refendum

Don’t forget to visit the What’s On pages for more events details

No. 156  Apr-May   2016