
have submitted a planning application for a large development up by Junction 13.  

This includes  a Football Stadium and an Eco Park (industrial units).

Full details can be seen at

A Public consultation drop-in meeting was hosted by Ecotricity

 in the Village Hall on 4th Feb.

The Parish Council took an ‘exit poll’ from all those attending, the results of which were as follows:

                                                                                           Eastington        Non

                                                                             Total      residents       residents  

The number who said 'NO' to the proposal       117            101              16

The number who said 'YES' to the proposal       23             16                 7

The number who responded 'Don't Know'          10               7                 3

      Total responses:                                           150            124              26

The Parish Council's purpose for the poll was to have our own data to compare to anything Ecotricity published from the event.

Update: 21/02/2016:-

Consideration of the proposals by the Council have been delayed for at least three months, as Ecotricity have been asked to re-draw their ‘inadequate’ traffic models and provisions.

More details are available on the KER website:


Thanks are due to Cllr Stephen Davies for his attention to this matter.