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at    ‘Love Eastington’  on facebook!

Over 700 Eastington-o-philes have already joined and Eastington-related  posts are welcome from all group members.  You don’t have to ‘join’  just to see what is being said.

Also, keep up to date with breaking news at

Our own facebook page

If you don’t already have a facebook account, this could be a great reason to open one!

In this issue…

Editorial by Andrew Niblett

Don’t forget to visit the What’s On pages for more events details

August- September 2016

Photo: Edwin Davies

Do you tweet?

If so, please follow us                                         and retweet us to your followers.

We will not fill up your timeline with daily tweets, but we try to keep you in touch with all things Eastington-related - ECN news updates, special event reminders and notices.

Don’t  be left out!

Farewell and Thank You

You may remember from the last issue of ECN that this will be Chris Osman’s final edition as ‘Articles Editor’.

The ECN Team wish Chris and her husband much time and happiness together in their new home on the 'drier side' of the Country.

We would like to thank Chris for the considerable time and effort that she has dedicated to ECN, and for encouraging us along the way. Since Chris joined us in May 2014, she has transformed the appearance of the printed pages and the format of ECN to bring us into the 21st Century.

She will be missed by all of us in ECN, and I am sure by the contributors too, whom she regularly contacted.

Contributors  should please note the address to which articles should be sent for future issues:                                                                                      Andrew Niblett

First and Foremost ….

Your news... your ECN!

Contributions to ECN are welcome

from anyone connected with Eastington Parish, past or present.  

Send your copy by email to the Articles Editor at:

Next deadline for submission: Friday 16th September

Next Delivery: Sat/Sun 1st/2nd October

The editor reserves the right to reject or shorten contributions.

The views expressed in ECN are not necessarily those of the editors.

By the community, for the community

Parish Matters, Letter from our District Councillors and Parish Notices.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan - finalised

- referendum on the 18 August

Two great traditional events at Eastington Primary,

the Summer Fayre at William Morris, and venues for the little ones

News and Services from our two churches.

News of the  arrival of the 1st Eastington Brownies ! - and reports from

EARS, Jolly Joggers, PROWD and Slimming world

Steve Mills tells us about Dr Jenner, his ground breaking ideas and his relationship with Henry Hicks

News of the work of the Princes Trust, from an Eastington resident who visited Buckingham Palace

Disappointment over the Canal Lottery bid - but not for long!

And a look at our weather

Details and Entry forms for the Autumn Flower and Veg show

as well as details of the horse show, and two invitations from Frampton

Return to ECN Home page for access to the Blue Pages, What’sOn

and other goodies - including our NEW Gallery

No. 158  Aug-Sept   2016

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire