By the community, for the community

Letter from our District Councillors

Cllr Stephen Davies  and  Cllr John Jones

Congratulations on the vote to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan.

This is going to be a great help in defending ourselves from inappropriate development and promoting planned development in Eastington. We have been working with the Stroud District Council Planning Department and the Parish Council on how this will work going forward.

Throughout August there have been no District Council Committee meetings so it has been a little less busy but the planning challenges continue and there have been at least 4 that we have been involved in recently. Also now that summer is over we have just received the detailed application for the West of Stonehouse which will go to the Development and Control Committee and we will be working with the Parish Council on the response. We are also expecting further details on the Ecotricity Proposal although it is not yet clear when this will come to the Development and Control Committee. This may be after Christmas.

On other matters the new Waste Collection process is rolling out and if you have any questions, complaints or of course compliments let us know.

As ever we can be contacted at:

Cllr John Jones  or 07808 922 918.

Cllr Stephen Davies  

                                                               or 07802 595 307.

No. 159  Oct - Nov  2016

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire