Eastington’s Approaches to Road Safety

By the community, for the community

 Village Entry Gates

Following the outcome of a public meeting on road safety a few years ago, the Parish Council successfully raised the money during this financial year to install entry gates to Eastington village. Not only that, but they managed to raise enough for two more gates at either end of Westend.

The gates (something like the artist’s impression in the picture), placed either side of the road, are one of the various psychological methods that have been shown to help reduce the speed of traffic by reinforcing the idea that the village is well looked after and has a close community.

Indeed, the erection of entry gates is included in Gloucestershire’s Community Approaches to Road Safety (CARS) road safety toolkit, and around £7k towards the cost  has been made available to Eastington PC via Gloucestershire’s Road Safety Community Engagement Hub.

EARS (Eastington’s Approaches to Road Safety) Group

is holding a public drop-in session at the

Village Hall on Saturday 4 March from 10am – 12 noon.

Come along and  find out:

The entry gates work by showing we have a caring and involved community; so let's get involved.

Now that the installation of the gates is progressing, the Parish Council is asking for parishioners to come forward to help with the gate maintenance - see below.

Altogether we have the following confirmed funding:     

£7,000 from the  Police & Crime Commissioner

£4,000 from Eastington Parish Council

£4,000 From Highways match funding

£5,000 From Local Highways Offer (County Councillor budget)

We may not spend the full amount on gates as we don’t have final installation costs yet, but any funding left over will go to other road safety initiatives.

No. 161  Feb - Mar 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire