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If so, please follow us   @eastingtonnews       and retweet us to your followers.

We will not fill up your timeline with daily tweets, but we try to keep you in touch with all things Eastington-related - ECN news updates, special event reminders and notices.

Don’t  be left out!

Do you have a facebook account?   Do you Love Eastington?

Then why not join in the Parish conversation

at    ‘Love Eastington’  on facebook!

Over 800 Eastington-o-philes have already joined and Eastington-related  posts are welcome from all group members.  You don’t have to ‘join’  just to see what is being said.

Also, keep up to date with breaking news at

Our own facebook page

If you don’t already have a facebook account, this could be a great reason to open one!

Don’t forget to visit the What’s On pages for more events details

And visit the  Blue Pages  for all your local trades and services

By the community, for the community

News from our Parish, District and County Councillors, and from our Village Agent.    Meet our new Neighbourhood warden.

Update on West of Stonehouse development

A day of reflection at Eastington Primary

News from our churches, with service times

Featuring the Eastington Wassail!  With more news from ECO, EARS, ECLT, PROWD and Slimming World

Alice remembered Mr Beebee

Village entry gates to help traffic calming, news on bins to keep our fields and streets dog-poo-free and an update from The Cotswold Canal Trust

Celebrating our defibrillators, news on the Phone Box

… and  How about a nice piece of Cheese?

The Great Eastington Egg hunt, and Quiz nights at the Badger and the school

In This Issue…

Snakey Park - Mid January!

  Your news... your ECN!

Your production team are Tom & Jan Low and Mary Gribble.

BUT we are just the technicians - it is you, the contributors, that make the magazine what is is.

This is absolutely YOUR magazine. We just want to help us all to share with each other the ‘goings on’ in the Parish in a way that every one can access.

So why not join in?   Share your story or advertise your local ‘event’ (no charge for charity events). Just email  us at  Contributions, stories, posters and photos are always welcome from anyone connected to Eastington.  You can also write to us at Hazel Cottage, Millend GL10 3SF.

The paper magazine is delivered free to every home in the Parish.  This is thanks to an army of wonderful volunteers and a host of loyal advertisers.  If you have a local business and would like to reach every single resident in the parish then please email us at

If you would like to help out in any way at all or have comments or ideas to share then please email us at - we would really appreciate hearing from you.

Severn Vale Rotary Quiz at Elmore

No. 161  Feb - Mar 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire