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By the community, for the community

In This Issue…

  Your news... your ECN!

Dear Readers,

The searing start and soggy end to the last few weeks might have left us and the gardens somewhat confused, but never mind, here is your faithful ECN to browse over from your sun-lounger out on the lawn, or to curl up with on the settee with a mug of cocoa, as the situation requires!

Fortunately the weather was kind to the brilliantly organised PA Duck races, but it was a shame that the weather magic could not be sustained, and the Skate Jam had to be postponed.  Our next Village Event is the 34th Annual Veg and Flower show - these shows are amongst our longest standing traditions, but do need a little more support.  There are plenty of different classes to enter - including children’s classes - think about it and give it a go.  Let YOUR marrow grace the pages of the next edition!

On a heavier note, let me draw you attention to our back page.   Depending on how the latest traffic/highways report is received, the Ecotricity planning application might go before Committee this Autumn.  The application is controversial for many reasons - not least because it ‘breaks’ our local plan- which is supposed to limit development to what is already in the plan - until 2031.

Whether you are in favour of the football stadium and associated business/industrial park  up by the roundabout or not,  it is really important that Stroud Planners are fully aware of how we feel about this.

Please respond to our poll so that we can report the strength of your feelings for what, overall, YOU want, - and we will do our best to  support  the community wishes.

Jan & Tom Low and Mary Gribble.                                 Email:

Parish and District Councillors updates and news of a  new car-sharing scheme from GCC.

ECOTRICITY - Have your say - Loudly- Now is the time!

Some thoughts from the School and the Playgroup

News and Service times from our Churches

Updates from the ECLT, ECO, PROWD , the Walkie Talkies, Slimming World and the Snakey Park Project

Another  fascinating glimpse into our past from Steve Mills

Update from the Canal Trust - Lottery bid, here we come.

Photos from the Duck races and ..

The Phone Box Book-Swap Library is OPEN

The 34th Annual Autumn Veg. And Flower Show. Start planning your entries now!

No. 164  Aug-Sept 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire