Following on from the last Eastington Parish Council meeting on November 11th, I am pleased to let you know that a new group has been formed to give our PROW's a higher profile and to encourage more people to use them, also, to ask regular users and dog walkers to report any problems that they come across.
The core of the group will be Councillor Jennie Corrie, Sally Mears, Ann Pitcher and myself. We will meet every quarter to discuss PROW issues. Once a venue has been found, the date and time will be circulated so that anyone may attend. Please log your email address with me in order to receive this information and up-dates on any activities. We would hope to organise some walks around the Parish, some footpath clearing and maintenance, and possibly have some map reading sessions.
I cannot stress enough that the Public Rights Of Way, are your Public Rights Of Way, and they need to be defended.
We know that Amey (the County Councils PROW Contractor) had some ' bedding in ' problems in April, and that their sub-contractors were not in place to do the usual footpath clearance, but, despite having fewer staff, the PROW team in Shire Hall continue to do their best to maintain and improve our PROWs.
I have been very impressed and encouraged by the large number of Parishioners who have supported the protection of local footpaths including the Ramblers, our M.P. Mr Carmichael, and people from other Parishes.
Thank you for all your support.
PROWD (Public Rights of Way Defenders) - New Action Group