Helping older people in Gloucestershire feel more independent, secure and have a better quality of life.

produced by the community, for the community

Contact:  Sue Colquhoun  on   07810 630 145

Christmas Quiz Answers 2015

1. Thrupp

2. Scrooge

3. Five

4. Jack Russell

5. Catherine Parr

6. Johnny Coppin?

7. Prince Charles – Highgrove   
    Princess Anne Gatcombe Park

8. Laurie Lee

9. Dennis Potter

10. Mitford Sisters

11. Rev Awdry

12. St John Baptist Church Cirencester

13. Dick Whittington

14. Gloucester Cathedral

15. Edward 2nd

16. Hubert Parry

17. J K Rowling

18. Jimmy Young

19. Robert Raikes

20. Beatrix Potter

No. 154  Dec’15-Jan 2016