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Bath Road Garage produced by the community, for the community

Come along to a TeddyTunes session...a warm welcome awaits...feel exhilarated and inspired with the joy that this wonderful musical experience will bring to you and your little ones.  

Join Vanessa and her guitar for fun and frolics, learn to sing new songs and nursery rhymes.

Relax afterwards with a cuppa and homemade cake, fruit and biscuits all in. It's a whole mornings entertainment!

Get yourself out of the house and come on down to TeddyTunes!  

Fun musical coffee mornings with Vanessa and her guitar. Designed for parents and their children aged 0-5 years.

Class Details

Nailsworth Tuesdays during term time  - 10-11.30 Christ Church Rooms

Frampton Thursdays during term time    10-11.30  Frampton Village Hall

£5 plus £1 for additional siblings. Pay as you go. Start any week.

Tel. 07806 802540

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