produced by the community, for the community

(L to R) Martin Elliot, Mary Niblett, Maryann Parry, Lynn Williams, Reg Parry and Mark Wild.

25th Birthday Party for ECN Volunteers

For the first time in the 25-year history of Eastington Community News (ECN), we gathered all our volunteers together in the Village Hall.  Despite atrocious weather, more than 30 people came to enjoy the company and the cake and to share ideas for the next 25 years’ editions.

Guests included the very first ECN editor, John Stayte.

All volunteers received a personalised commemorative mug recording their achievements, including A special inscription saying: “I delivered them all” was presented to the 8 delivery volunteers still providing this public service after 25 years.

Although unable to make it for the party, we caught up with our two oldest volunteers, Alice Elliot and Arthur Watkins to say “thank you” for their 25 years dedication.  Both sportingly posed for these “mug shots”.