Welcome to the first edition of ECN for 2015 and I hope you have been able to make the most of the first few fine sunny days of the year. There has been little chance of the ground drying before another band of storms arrived, so it’s easy to understand why the old English name for February was Solmonath; it meant ‘mud month’ and the more determined walkers among you will know just how muddy the fields and paths have become. The footpaths group, ‘PROWD’, have an update in this issue, and it’s good to hear about an amicable solution for some footpath diversions.
The start of a year can mean New Year resolutions for some, and it’s not too late to try something new. Maybe Jolly Joggers have something to suit you or perhaps ‘Street Dancing’ could be for you? “Defined Dance” is starting new dance classes for adults and children at Eastington Community Centre.
In ‘Bee Keeper’s Diary’ we learn about getting through winter life in the hives; how more fortunate bees at the centre can be a toasty 33C, while those on the outside shiver. They will certainly be looking forward to spring flowers, and maybe you are too. So you might like to make a note in your diary for Saturday March 21st when Eastington Spring Flower Show will be opened at 2:00 pm in the Village Hall.
In ‘Parish Matters’ we hear from the Parish Council that planning issues remain at the top of their agenda; The Planning Appeal for Land off Bath Road is under consideration by the appointed Planning Inspector, and her opinion is awaited. The Examination in Public (EIP) of the Local (Stroud) Plan has now been extended from two days to four. It would be speculative (at the time of writing) to read this as creating time to make the Plan ‘sound’ or to give all interested parties adequate talking time. By the time you read this we should have the benefit of 20:20 hindsight.
Local planning groups give further perspective to these matters, as does our District Councillor, Ken Stephens, who additionally considers the Boundary Commission Review and recent intervention of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, to allow the Javelin Park Incinerator.
Playgroup learnt about Chinese New Year and Chinese food, but traditional stories like ‘the three billy goats gruff’ and ‘Goldilocks’ also retain their interest. An alternative oriental cuisine can be savoured at Eastington School on 27th February when they hold their School Quiz and Thai food evening.
We read from the Rector about his preparation for retirement; and news of events and services at St. Michael’s. There something new at the Methodists Church in the form of ‘cafe style’ services, and more messy events like Messy Easter; and cakes too. And in the report from Owen Harris Memorial Ground Charity, (OHMGC) there is an invitation for new trustees and announcement of their Annual General Meeting to be held this summer.
Millend Mill renovations are at an advanced stage and nearing completion. Steve Mills gives us a very interesting insight into the newly installed water wheel. It’s good to have a ‘good news’ story about a development. With the guidance of a truly community formulated Neighbourhood Development Plan, maybe we can look forward to more developments that fit well with Eastington in the future.
May 2015 be a good year for you.
Andrew Niblett - Editor
Parish Council Newsletter |
District council Newsletter |
Neighbourhood Development Plan |
Eastington Primary School |
Playgroup |
St Michaels Anglican Church |
Eastington Methodist Church |
Cricket Club |
Dance - Sally Prout |
Jolly Joggers |
Macmillan |
Owen Harris Charity |
Rotary |
Slimming World |
Millend Mill |
Public Rights of Way Defenders |
Bee Keepers Diary |
Flower show |
Other Events |