Please contact me if I can be of any help.

Muriel Bullock | Chair Eastington Parish Council

 01453 826172

produced by the community, for the community

By the time you read this I shall have returned from 5 glorious weeks in the sun, and will be fully recharged.

I would like to say I huge thank you to Jennie Corrie and the other Councillors who have so admirably held the fort while I have been away.  A special thank you also goes to Anita Sach, who stepped in to sort out Eastington Parish Council (EPC) administration ahead of the engagement of our new Clerk.

May I extend a very warm and heart-felt welcome to our new Clerk, Julie Shirley.  I know we are all very pleased and relieved to have captured such a treasure, and I know she will be an asset to our Parish.

Congratulations must also go to Peter Edis-Bates and the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) steering committee for getting the NDP published and to its public consultation stage.  I know a lot of hard work has gone in so far, but there is still more to do before it is adopted by Stroud District Council (SDC).

We are continuing to object to unsuitable planning applications as well as looking after other areas of the Parish.

I hope you have all had some sunshine to enjoy.  I am looking forward to another year’s term as EPC Chair, and I will do my best to cover as many Parish Matters as possible.