Charity Number Registered Charity No. 1084981              OFSTED Registration No. 101782

This term we are looking at our natural materials that have been collected from our sponsored hunt and this has formed a base for our discussion about textures and colours.  We have made plans to use these to paint with, explore 3D sculptures, and for building and design.  We will be junk modelling with natural and man-made materials.

We had a very successful fundraising 80’s disco which was a fun packed revival enjoyed by everyone who came along.  Thank you to all who came along and supported us, we will be purchasing some new cameras and a children’s ‘tablet’ (with rubber protecting sleeve) with the proceeds.  

We have also been making dens and dressing up as pirates and princesses, fitting all this around visiting the park, picnics and playing outside on the field.  A very busy time leading up to the end of the summer when we will be saying goodbye to the older children and helping prepare them for ‘big’ school, along with running the pre-school session at Eastington Primary School too.   

We look forward to another new term in September and welcome back our remaining children and also all of our new children, and we will have lots of exciting things planned for our return. Playgroup’s first day back will be Wednesday 2nd September 2015 – we will see you all then!  

If you would like your child to enjoy a stimulating, fun and safe environment to learn and play in  then we would love to hear from you. Spaces for September 2015 are filling up very quickly and  some sessions already have a waiting list, however if you are interested in coming for a visit then  please contact us we would love to meet you!

Our playgroup offers care and education for all children in a well-established community based group.

        We offer your children a safe and stimulating environment, in which they can grow and blossom into  self-confident, self-reliant and positive little people.

 Our ultimate goal is to enable the children to have fun, explore and have the freedom

 to express their individuality, while forming the basis of their education.

We accept children from the age of 2yrs 6months to 5 years and operate 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday) offering full and half-day sessions and we accept government nursery vouchers and other types of employer supported childcare vouchers.

If you would like to have a look around our fantastic facilities and have an informal chat please call one of the staff on 07977 342 742.

produced by the community, for the community

We are currently busy working on our allotment following a total revamp by a very kind dad, Simon Lane, and we now have some runner and broad beans growing!  We have recently planted seeds for flowers and sunflowers, which will hopefully brighten up a very exciting environment for the children to learn about growth, changes and decay.  Our new mud kitchen is very popular, children returning home a slightly darker shade than they arrived, but having a great time exploring!!