By the community, for the community

Car Sharing - Parish Lift

Gloucestershire County Council is promoting a new car-sharing initative in areas of the county where transport tends to be poor..

 It is basically a  website where you can register your  journey (or your need of a journey) and and seek partners with whom you might want to share.  The program will match similar destinations/times of day etc.  You can share on the basis of exchanging lifts - or you can ‘exchange’ your lift for the cost of the fuel - this will not normally affect your insurance so long as no profit is made.

This has to be good for  your pocket and the reduction of traffic congestion and pollution;  and  the scheme does seem to have been quite well thought through.  

There is a helpline on 07415 260 758 or you could

check out the website   which is very informative

By contrast, any members of the ‘Plain English’ society might be interested to see the promotional letter that was sent to our Parish Clerk about this.  I have put it on the website at        Ed.

No. 164  Aug-Sept 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire