By the community, for the community

Phone Box

Eastington Phone box Library

The Book-swap library is now ready for you!!!

Bring a book, take a book, share the books you have loved!  

There are no rules - but we are all responsible for keeping this nice.  Give it a tidy while you are there!   

Lots of people have been offering to share  books ..thank you all very much.  There is space for CDs too.

It may be that at this stage we get over-subscribed - brilliant though that would be, please  be patient and sensible - and we would like to see  children’s books having  priority to start with.

Kirsty-Ann Cutler  and Tina Lange are going to keep an eye, and will be asking for volunteers to form a Book Club to help manage the ‘stock’ and decide the way to go once things have settled down.  You can contact them via facebook (Love Eastington) - or contact ECN and we will pass enquiries on.

Tina Lange and I rubbed it all down.

Wendy Fabbro and Kirsty-Ann Cutler

joined in on the massive paint job

Peter Malecki donated all the wood, from a recycled source.  Peter and Tom Low did all woodwork (which turned out to be a lot harder than you might think - because you can’t screw anything to a steel and glass cabinet!)

And Vera Potter added the crowning touch!

No. 164  Aug-Sept 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire