Duck Races

By the community, for the community

What a year we had for the duck races!

We had all the old favourites were as popular as ever such as the bouncy castle, raffle, hook a duck and the ever popular barbeque and bar.

Eastington School and Playgroup Parents Association

Our specially trained rubber ducks were in fine racing form and proved once again that Eastington Ducks are the fastest rubber racing ducks in the region. Each duck race was sponsored by a local business which is a great example of the business community supporting the school.

As well as the usual antics we had a few very special guests this year. We are treated to demonstrations from New Horizons Martial Arts and Defined Dance Group, it was great to see the levels of dedication and talent that the children put into these brilliant out of school activities, many thanks to all that took part and the kind group leaders who give their time to support the event.

We were also supported by the police service who were able to provide a police car to play in, lots of equipment to try on and a police dog and handler who put on a great demonstration of how effective a dog can be at chasing and holding a suspect, we hope that  PC Colley’s bruises have healed nicely!

For the first time this year we had a locally made stall where we sold items that had been made by crafts people in the community.

The inclusion of more volunteers from outside the school along with the other groups that took part made the duck races feel less like a school event and more like a whole village fete, which was great!  

Overall the event took over £2,000 for the Parents Association which is an amazing amount.

This year the PA has raised over £7,000 in total, these funds have been used to support the maintenance of playground equipment, the provision of enriching learning experiences such as dance days, provided materials for classrooms and the Mathletics programme. These funds are vital to the school and no PA events would be possible with out or amazing committee and volunteers.

Next year we will continue our work and we are always keen to have more volunteers, donations and ideas so if you would like to be involved please do get in touch - via the school, the plagroup, or any of the parents.

 we were totally amazed by the quality and quantity of items donated, the stall raised over £100 which is a great contribution to school funds. Thank you again to everyone who donated to the stall, freely giving their time and materials to make some amazing things.

No. 164  Aug-Sept 2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire