By the community, for the community

Dear all

As you read this the year will be well under way but let me wish you a Happy New Year all the same.

Since my last letter in ECN there have been a number of developments on the Planning front as ever. The most significant has been the passing of the Master Plan for West of Stonehouse.

My first concern was that I think it is regrettable that the officers at Stroud District Council have not followed their own policy of producing a Design Review before the West Of Stonehouse Master plan was approved. However I believe that the “Design Vision” document and other documentation cover most of the 20 points that should be covered by a “Design Review” and recommended that we focus on the key issues rather than the process.

My view was that the following Key Issues should remain our priority.

Traffic: I remain concerned that the proposed improvements to the A419 are based on funds available (£4m) rather than need. I think we need to continue to maintain pressure on this.

Stonehouse Connectivity: I am not alone in being concerned that the connections between what was originally positioned as an Urban Extension and Stonehouse are inadequate. I would like to make three points in this regard:

1. We need to improve the link between West of Stonehouse and Stonehouse. I understand that land has been identified for a bridge but there is no funding for this. At a minimum I believe that a Cycle / Pedestrian Bridge should be provided. Clearly in an ideal world or at a later date a road crossing should be considered and remain a possibility.

2. I firmly believe that we should continue to explore the option of a second Railway Station for Stonehouse and would recommend that a committee of interested parties is convened to discuss the business case for this with a view to making representation to Network Rail.

3. As access to Stonehouse is compromised it is important that this new Community is sustainable. In the master plan that was passed includes the provision and funding for a Primary School, Retail facilities and recreational facilities. I also believe that a Health Facility should also be considered.

Buffer Zones: It is understood that these are agreed in principle in the Master Plan but not defined in detail. I have no issue with this. My concern is that on an important and highly contentious issue such as this, where it may prove difficult to reach agreement, the process for establishing these “Buffer Zones” is clearly defined, understood and in the public domain. Examples where precedent has already been set would also be useful.

Design: Design both of Landscape and buildings are covered in the “Design Vision” document and I have no issue with what it says. I believe we should all strive that West of Stonehouse should be more like Littlecombe than Hunts Grove, if you know these developments. I have been given to understand that the planning officers support this ambition.

There are other issues including drainage and bridle paths / footpaths that need to be discussed at the appropriate stage in the planning process, and will continue to work on getting the best solution possible.

Sadly planning continues to dominate. As I write this we are still awaiting Ecotricity’s next move and have seen an Appeal to the Inspector of an Application that Stroud District Council rejected. As ever vigilance and attention to detail is important.

If you have any comments or questions please contact me :


Or tel:   07802 595 307.


No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016