By the community, for the community

Eastington Baby and Toddler Group

Monday 10:00 -­11:30am at Eastington Methodist Church (opposite Broomhalls)

Cost £1.50 for carer and first child (50p for each extra person)

If you have children from birth up to school age a warm welcome awaits you at Eastington Baby and Toddler Group.

We have loads of nice toys, suitable for babies and young children, a friendly, calm atmosphere, and space to play.

Each week we have a craft activity. Every other week we share a simple Bible story, (using the very colourful Beginners Bible), and then finish off with lots of action songs.

Do come along. We're sure you'll want to come again.

We also run a similar group at Whitminster Village Hall on Wednesdays from 9:30 -­11:30am (Cost £2).

Liz, Sue and Beck

For more information contact Beck Burgin 07511 197265

Get yourself out of the house and come on down to a Teddytunes near you!

Fun musical coffee mornings with Vanessa and her guitar. Designed for parents and their children aged 0-­5  years.

Feel exhilarated and inspired with the joy that this wonderful musical experience will bring to you and your little ones...a warm welcome awaits.

Learn to sing new songs and nursery rhymes. Relax afterwards with  a Cuppa, fruit and homemade cakes all's a whole mornings entertainment!

Class Details:-

Nailsworth Tuesdays during term 10-­11.30 Christchurch Rooms

Frampton Thursdays during term  10-­11.30 Frampton Village Hall

£5 plus £1 for additional siblings.

Tel:     07806 802540


No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016