Here we are at the start of another year  - hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.

The Parish Council are very busy again. The Neighbourhood Development Plan has been completed and submitted to Stroud District Council by the deadline of January 11th, and we have to thank a few very dedicated people for their hard work over the final weekend to achieve this.

While writing this we have heard the development West of Stonehouse (the Parish Council would like it named Oldbury End) has been approved by the Development Control Committee at Stroud District Council the vote was 8 in favour 2 against.

There are more planning applications coming through that will cause concern not least of these is the outline planning application from Ecotricity which is for a Football Stadium and an Eco Park.  They are planning a public consultation at the Village Hall on Thursday 4th  February 2016 from 2-­7.

Parish Council are planning to hold an exit poll.

The Parish Council has finalised its budget for 2016/17 and the precept (parish portion of the council tax) will be £66,570,  which is a 5.5% increase on Band D properties.

The grant that Stroud District Council has passed onto us in previous years (called the Local Council Tax Support Grant) has been withdrawn for 2016/17, which has unfortunately had an impact on our income.

Please visit our website if you would like to see a breakdown of the budget.

I have been contacted by someone who is interested in helping to either re start the 'Bluebells' or something similar.

If anyone has any ideas we would like to hear from you, especially those who would like to attend, what would you like i.e. entertainment, talks, or just a cup of tea and a chat.   Please let us know.

Muriel Bullock | Chair Eastington Parish Council

 01453 826172

by the community, for the community

The Parish Council normally meets at 7pm in the Methodist Church Hall

on the second Tuesday in each month.

 Everyone is invited to attend.

Parish Matters

Ed -­ For more information go to:


No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016