Helping older people in Gloucestershire feel more independent, secure and have a better quality of life.

By the community, for the community

Contact:  Sue Colquhoun  on   07810 630 145

If you would like any more information about this article or any other matter please contact:

Sue Colquhoun | 07810 630 145

Unfortunately all of us may be faced with having to deal with the death of a loved one, which can be a very difficult time for dealing with practical, as well as the emotional stress.

We would like to tell you about a confidential service by Gloucestershire Registration Service together with the Department of work and Pensions, and your Local Authority, which we hope will make things easier for those of you who register a death.

The service means that when you register a death all other government departments and local authorities will be informed on your behalf. This reduces the time spent corresponding with a number of services and also reduces the need to send them copies of the death certificate. All you need to do is to make an appointment to register a death with one of the Registrars.

To book an appointment you either telephone 01242 532455 or go on line to registration

If asked the service can contact the following agencies for you:

Department for Work and Pensions,

HM Revenue and Customs

Identity and Passport Service

Local Authority

Blue Badge Office

Social Services


Electoral Registration

The information you may need to provide to the Registrar will be:

National Insurance Number and date of birth of deceased person,

Details of any benefits or services they were receiving,

Death Certificate, Driving Licence, Passport or passport number.

No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016