We are now well into Term 3 and have been thinking hard about our school value – Choices and Consequences.
In Class 3 we think choices are important because they give you a chance to do something you want. Choices are good because you can see what the alternatives are and make a decision based on them. The consequences of our actions help us to see whether we have made the right choices or perhaps another time to think something through much more carefully.
This is happening right now as we are trying hard to keep to our new year resolutions for 2016. For some of us, perseverance is key to keeping going when things are tough or you’ve had a bad day. We are working together and asking our friends and families to help achieve the following:-
Joseph – First of all I want to stop biting my nails. Also I want to stop eating so much sugar from chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks. I am determined to make healthy choices in 2016 because I love sport and want to look after my body and improve my fitness.
Poppy – I too want to stop biting my nails! I
also want to do neat handwriting and help the younger children in the playground. I know I can be a good writer if I try my best.
Ollie – I want to be better at going to sleep. I am improving my bedtime routine and going to sleep straight away. Already I am more alert, look good and can manage the whole day with energy.
Daisy – I want to look after my pet hamster Pippin better. This involves cleaning her out, feeding her and playing with her. I also want to spend more time with my sister Polly such as playing games together, talking and hearing her read.
Poppy Jones, Daisy Walker, Joseph Bond and Ollie Trotman Class 3