Charity Number Registered Charity No. 1084981              OFSTED Registration No. 101782 By the community, for the community

Our playgroup offers care and education for all children from 2 ½ years to 4 years 11 months in a well established community based group.

We offer your children a safe and stimulating environment in which they can grow and blossom into self confident, self reliant and positive little people.

Our ultimate goal is to enable the children to have fun, explore and have the freedom to express their individuality, while forming the basis of their education.

We will be holding a ’new parent information afternoon’ if you would like to come along then please give us a ring and then we can let you know more details. We are currently operating a waiting list and open 4 days a week offering full and half-day sessions.

We accept government nursery vouchers and other types of employer supported childcare vouchers.

If you would like more details please contact

Mandy Owen, Playleader on 07977 342 742

 email or visit our website

January/February 2016

We welcome back all the children to Playgroup and look forward to a great year ahead in 2016.

The children enjoyed participating in the nativity play ‘ Our First Nativity’ for which we had been rehearsing many times beforehand, luckily it went without a hitch on the afternoon!! Parents/grandparents and carers were suitability entertained and afterwards enjoyed a cup of tea and cake before we broke up to continue the countdown to the Christmas celebrations.

We had a very successful Christmas Craft event, which raised over £600, which was very well supported by both parents and the village. Our fund raisers also organised a delightful evening of carol singing in Nupend and of course we have to mention that we were very proud to win first prize in the Christmas Tree display at St Michaels and All Angels Church.  Thank you to everyone who voted for us.

After all the fundraising we are planning to put the money towards some technological equipment for the children and staff to update some tired and broken equipment.  This will enable the children to further their knowledge of ‘keeping safe’ with new technology.

This half term we are focusing on settling new children into the new routines, listening to stories, looking at nursery rhymes and show an awareness of rhyme.

All of these activities will encourage children’s awareness of how stories are structured, talk about the principal characters, to think of alternative endings to stories and encourage them to join in with any repeated refrains.

During this half term we will also be focusing on friendships,  linking with Valentine’s Day cards for someone special and what makes a good friend.

No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016