By the community, for the community

2015 Xmas Markets

We enjoyed a good season around the markets in November and December, thankfully all at indoor venues apart from Stonehouse.

The top photo shows Frampton Xmas Fair in the ancient wool market.

At Stonehouse (second photo), the lashing rain sent all stallholders home but we and three others stuck it out so what few customers did come out, had to buy from us!

Our biggest success was at Gloucester Cathedral where we brought £400 stock with us (an absolute car full) and cleared the table by 3 o’clock.  We had three people manning the stall in relays most of the time.

 Many thanks to the 15 people who helped out at the six venues

Cider and perry were on sale at all events for the first time, which has boosted our overall sales to over £2,000. After packaging and marketing costs, this will go towards our anticipated second orchard behind Brownings Close.

Looking back at 2015, the main achievement was the re-building of the footpath through Coneygree Orchard.

The stone surface has been a great success with walkers young and old, standing up to the very wet winter (oh yes, and the very wet summer) with not a puddle in sight.

It is markedly better for buggies and wheel chairs and even small persons on bikes.

The joy of not having to continually maintain the wood-chip surface will also be welcomed by all our volunteers!

We will be having our mid-winter gathering in Millend on Thursday 4th February 8.00pm. Cider and perry will be tasted and we will take a look forward to projects for 2016.

New members are welcome, ring me, Tom Low, on 823425 for directions

2014 Income wisely spent

Winter Club Meeting 4th February

No. 155  Feb - Mar  2016