One of the ‘Cotswold Edge’ Parishes   (Eastington, Frocester, Haresfield, Moreton Valence, Standish and Whitminster) St Michael and All Angels’ Church

Benefice Website:

Facebook: Like us by searching for

                ‘St Michael & All Angels Church, Eastington


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By the community, for the community

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Eastington Church and Benefice Services and times


Revd Charles Minchin (01453 822332) (and 1 vacancy)

Angela Reeder (01453 827446)

Mike Naylor (01453 828682)   & Muriel Bullock (01453 826172)

Team Rector:     

Team Vicar:        

Honorary Curate:


News from Eastington Church

By the time ECN has been published, ad advert for the new Team Rector for the Stroudwater Team should have been posted on the diocese’s website and in the Church Times. The plan is for shortlisting to be prepared at the beginning of May, with interviews to take place at the end of the month. We therefore hope to be able to announce our new Rector at the end of May/beginning of June, although the successful applicant is not likely to start their ministry with us until the end of the summer at the earliest.

In the meantime Eastington Church continues to hold services every Sunday, as well as numerous baptisms, weddings and funerals. We are supported by the Revd Charles Minchin, one of our team vicars, as well as the Revd Angela Reeder, our honorary curate.

The Fundraising Committee is also putting together a busy programme of events for 2017, including Summer BBQ, Mexican Night, Harvest Supper, and the return of the successful Christmas Tree Festival, which this year will be held on 1st to 3rd December 2017.

Eastington AVM and APCM 

We will hold our Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meetings (AVM and APCM) on Wednesday 5th April 2016 in Eastington Church at 7pm.   All parishioners are encouraged to attend.

At the AVM and APCM, the church will elect

2 churchwardens,

2 Deanery Synod Representatives and

9 PCC members (including a PCC Secretary and Treasurer).

Everyone who is on the Electoral Roll is entitled to stand and vote at the meetings. 

Are you on the Electoral Roll?

The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real membership and strength of the church. Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped regularly at Eastington Church for at least six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation. If you are not on our electoral roll and would like to be added to the role,

please contact Chris Amys on 01453 821656 or at

Eastington Church Needs You!

The Friends of Eastington Church was established in 2013, with the aim of maintaining, conserving and enhancing the fabric and interior of Eastington Church so that the church continues to serve the local community for years to come.

Due to it’s  age, our church building is in constant need of upkeep and renovation.  In addition to regular planned maintenance, there are numerous urgent repairs needed in the next 5-10 years, including:

Repairs to the masonry around tower;    

Repairs to the West Window behind font;

Maintenance of lighting and heating systems;    

Replacement of tiles and lead flashings on roof.

Please join the Friends of Eastington Church so that future generations can enjoy this place of worship and so that it can continue to serve the people of Eastington for many years to come.

Membership is open to all regardless of religious beliefs. New members are always welcome. The membership fee is a suggested donation of £15 per person. If you wish to give more we shall be very happy to receive it.

Eastington Church receives no statutory, government or other church funding.  

For more information, please contact Mike Naylor (01453 82868, Muriel Bullock (01453 826172 or Chris Amys (01453 821656

No. 162  Apr-May  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire