By the community, for the community

1.   Thursday 27th April   2.00 to 6.30 pm   in the Village Hall

Two Drop-in Events:-

Come and see the proposed layouts and house styles in the Village Hall.

ECLT members will be on hand to explain what is proposed and why. Your comments and suggestions will be welcome.

We will be supported by Aster Homes, our Housing Association partner and by Stroud DC who run the Homeseeker Plus waiting list system.   Laura Stephen of Stroud DC will be available to provide detailed advice. We are starting at a time suitable for parents going to pick up children after school (from 2 o’clock) and running through to the “drive -time” shift until 6.30. No excuse folks!

2.   Saturday 29th April, 10.30 to 12.30   at  KB Coaches old office, Claypits

Neighbourhood drop-in - Let us know how this addition to your hamlet will suit you.

We can tell you all about the proposals but also about arrangements for minimising disruption during the building period. All helpful suggestions will be taken on board, we don’t want to antagonise the neighbours!

Eastington Community Land Trust

Providing 23 homes with Affordable Rent

 for Eastington people, in Claypits

No. 162  Apr-May  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire