produced by the community, for the community

Cotswold Canals Trust,

Bell House, Wallbridge Lock, Stroud Gloucestershire, GL5 3JS, Tel: 01453 752 568

Registered Charity no.: 0269721

Registered Office: Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, HP5 1NZ

Registered in England no.: 01

Plans are underway to create a permanent historical  exhibition in the gun turret of the old pillbox, now known as the Gatehouse, that stands guard on the canal at Bond’s Mill.

The CCT are to engage with the Stonehouse History Group, The Museum in the Park, the Glos. Wildlife trust and other local groups and schools.  They aim to produce and promote study packs concerning all aspects of the canal - from wildlife to industrial uses as well as the World War II studies inspired by the Gatehouse pillbox.

It is also hoped that walks and talks along the canalside will be facilitated.


The Stroudwater Navigation Canal was an enormous influence on the character and identity of the Stroud Valleys from its opening in 1779 well into the 20th century.  Restoring the canal remakes the link between canal and community, as has been demonstrated by the popularity of the restored section between Stonehouse Ocean and Bowbridge.  But this link will remain fragile until the canal is restored to Saul Junction, where it will connect with the rest of England’s navigable waterways via the Gloucester-Sharpness Canal.  That is why our new logo stresses ‘Stroudwater Connected’.  

At the end of November we will submit a revised bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for restoring the canal between the Ocean and Saul Junction.  It will be one of the biggest applications in HLF’s major projects programme.  Recently the HLF told our team that competition for funds next year will be very tight – so our bid must make the strongest possible case.  We’ll stress the great significance of our canal and the Company of Proprietors’ archives – together a resource of national importance.  We’ll also stress why this next stage needs to happen soon.  This is partly to do with the recent welcome news that Stroud District Council is willing to contribute £3 million towards the restoration.  We need to maintain our enthusiastic and expert volunteer force.  And without more active use by boats, the recently restored sections will deteriorate progressively.

The Cotswold Canals Trust and Stroud District Council are jointly leading work on the 2017 bid.  

Regular updates on the project are posted on the CCT website and also on  the SDC website

Val Kirby, Convener ‘Stroudwater Navigation Connected’  .

No. 162  Apr-May  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire