Saving Lives

A couple of weeks ago, we attended a two-hour course  run by the Community Heartbeat Trust to learn how to use our new defibrillators (AED’s).

In fact, we learnt a great deal more than that.  Thanks to the knowledge and experience of  Dave, our instructor,  the whole time sparkled with witty observations on human nature as well as life-saving nuggets of information.

The emphasis was on the importance of calling for professional help and of using chest compressions to keep a failing heart alive, alongside the use of the defibrillator where appropriate.  Also on offer was a  chance to try using mouth-to-mouth breaths to augment the chest compression - in a way that might not be  too off-putting to try.

The opportunity to practice actually doing these things and feeling how it is supposed to feel was invaluable.   

Thank you Dave, and the Community Heartbeat Trust.  Thanks  also to  Julie Shirley, our Parish Clerk for organising this - AND including tea and biscuits in the agenda!

Another course has been arranged to take place on

 Saturday 16 September at 1pm   at Eastington Community Centre  

Anyone can attend and everyone is welcome - you can just turn up, but it would be helpful if you could let Julie know that you are interested.   Email or use the Parish Council website or Facebook page.

You do not have to be ‘trained’ to use a defibrillator - but there are plenty of other things to learn and a little bit of confidence goes a very long way….

For more info see

No. 162  Apr-May  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire