By the community, for the community

Neighbourhood Development Plan – Nearly there


This is the date that Eastington Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) should go to Referendum.  The Plan has been through independent examination, and the examiner has made 20 recommended amendments to the Plan. None of those recommendations materially change our plan. Indeed in some cases they strengthen and improve the plan.  Those recommendations, with a report from Officers, now go to Stroud District Council’s Environment Committee in June and they decide whether to endorse the recommendations in the plan and agree that the Plan should proceed to referendum. 

With the Ecotricity Planning application and now with the next phase of CLT development it is easy to lose sight of our NDP. I would urge you to stay with us for just a very few more months. The NDP matters and there are good reasons why it is so important for our parish.

Should anyone wish to discuss the plan then I or anyone one of my colleagues on the project team would be happy to meet up for a coffee to discuss.


Please support your plan at the referendum.  We’ll publish more details in the next edition of the ECN.

Daniel James, Chair, NDP Project Team 

No. 157  Jun-July   2016

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire