The Parish Council normally meets at 7pm in the Methodist Church Hall

on the second Tuesday in each month.

 Everyone is invited to attend.

Parish Matters


by the community, for the community

Welcome to the Annual Report 2015/16 on the activities of the Council.

You will find details of how the Council spent its money and how the Council funds this expenditure.

The Parish Council consists of 9 councillors who represent an electorate of approximately 1,246. Elections are held once in every four years, the last one was uncontested in May 2016. We currently have 7 councillors and 2 vacancies following the election process.

The Parish Council has a number of responsibilities in the village including: Burial ground, closed churchyard, play area, notice boards, bus shelters, and grass cutting of the parish owned open spaces.

The Parish Council employs 1 part-time member of staff to manage all Council matters.

The Council meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the Methodist Church in Eastington.  Agendas are displayed on the village notice board and also on the website – The public are welcome to attend these meetings and raise questions during the 20 minute public forum at the start of the meeting.

We keep residents updated on parish matters through our website, the Eastington Community News and you can follow us on Twitter (@Eastington_PC) or on Facebook (EastingtonPC).           

Contact details: Tel: 01453 799616   Email:

Parish Councillors elected 5th May 2016:

Parish Council Contact details (secretary):

Tel: 01453 799616


Chairman’s Report

Councillors have had another busy year and thanks are extended to those along with Parishioners who participated in opposing the planning application for 1,350 houses West of Stonehouse (the Parish Council’s preferred name for this development is Oldbury End). Many of the people involved in this were also participating and attended the examination in public of Stroud District Council’s Local Plan; many hours of unpaid work went into both these actions and also into our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which is almost at the referendum stage.

We are very fortunate in having employed a highly qualified clerk Julie Shirley, who has been invaluable in helping to complete among other things our NDP which has at times been frustrating and time consuming. She has also updated all the Councils policies to ensure we are fully compliant.

Planning has also been very challenging and the Council decided in July to formally adopt a planning committee so we could have public meetings and it has been very encouraging to have members of the public present and contributing to these meetings.

The other groups on the Council have also contributed to the smooth running by taking on tasks and writing reports for our monthly meetings many thanks to all concerned.

The new development at Swallowcroft is almost complete with some house already occupied.  There are still outstanding issues with Millend Mill which the Council are pursuing with Stroud District Council.

The new playpark at Snakey Lane was officially adopted by the Council in June 2015. Thanks have to go to the friends of Snakey Park for all their hard work in getting this project off the ground.  They still have things they want to add and thanks to the section 106 money that will be coming from the Swallowcroft development this should be possible.  The friends are still taking on responsibility for regular safety checks with reports to the council.

                                     Cllr. Muriel Bullock -  Chair Eastington Parish Council

Receipts & Payments Account for the Year Ending 31st March 2016

Grants & Donations

The Parish Council has a small donations budget and has been able to support groups and initiatives during the past year:

Eastington Community Orchard  £274.60  

Royal British Legion (replacement cheque) £100

Citizens Advice Bureau   £100  

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal  £100                  Total donations   £574.60

Budget 2016/17

The Parish Council has requested a precept figure of £66,570 to support a budget of £69,115. The precept is slightly increased from last year and represents an increase of 5.46%, mainly due to the withdrawal the local council tax support grant.


No. 157  Jun-July   2016

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire