By the community, for the community

Bill Edwards -­ PROWD | 01453 824452 |

Public Rights of Way Defenders (PROWD) Group

Unfortunately I couldn't do the last walk on 17th April as I was still suffering from an acute attack of gout that affected the whole of my right foot.  

The walking group did however meet at the Badger and Vanessa led them on a long walk that took them through the meadows near the School and on to the viaduct. From there, they went up to Five Ace Grove (bluebell wood) and then across the railway line.  

Once safely across, they went across fields to the Frocester George where they stopped for a break and some refreshments.  

Afterwards, there was a short walk down Bath Road and southwest across more fields towards Lower Downton, before turning north to finish at The Kings Head.  Another long walk on a hot day - about 4 hours in total.  Well done everyone.

 A big thank you to our Parish Council for paying to up-grade footpath EEA56.  This path runs from the Badger southwest towards Cress Green, and had become damaged and muddy.  Now it has been cleared and new stone chippings have been laid.  It looks lovely and I have had many favourable comments.  I hope that we can now keep the path tidy, and I ask (some) dog owners not to allow their dogs to foul this path.  Signs have been erected to remind dog owners of the costly penalties.

I have had a number of people contact me about the muddy conditions in the gateways on the paths that run through the meadows (EEA43 and EEA44). I have contacted the landowner, and he said that he would put some stone in the gateways to alleviate the situation as soon as the weather is dry enough.

I am busy renewing, and upgrading the Waymarking on our Parish footpaths, and I've had help from Sally and Vanessa. This an on-going job, and if you know of anywhere, where the signage is not very good,............ please let me know

I have been invited to meet with Coaley Parish Council to talk about footpaths in their Parish. They have some lovely walks, and I'm hoping to work with their walkers to improve some of the Waymarking.

 I have contacted the Woodland Trust about the mis-use (by cyclists and horse riders) of part of the Cotswold Way that runs through Stanley Wood.  This is being investigated.

Good news on footpath EEA13, near Stroudwater Industrial Park. We now have a brand new bridge, and more waymarks.  Many thanks go to Sarah our County Footpaths Officer.

Next PROWD meeting:  Monday 6th June 10:00 at The Kings Head Hotel

June Walk:  Sunday 19th JUNE 14:00 at the Badger

No. 157  Jun-July   2016

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire