Letter from our District Councillors
Cllr Stephen Davies and Cllr John Jones
Taxi fares in Stroud. The recommendations of the Task and Finish Group of the Licensing Committee which has met to discuss the request from the Stroud Taxi Association to increase fares will be considered by the full Community Services and Licensing Committee at it's meeting early in December.
The new Waste Collection Scheme has not gone as smoothly as had been hoped, but it is still early days. There will be recommendations made and implemented from the feedback received so far. Many of the problems have been caused by new crews, particularly on the Food Waste collection not knowing the area, (really not a good enough excuse), and by residents not getting the bins out by 6:00 am on the day of collection. As the food waste bins are lockable, we suggest putting them out the night before to avoid collection being missed. Every household should have received a collection day calendar saying which bins to put out on their relevant days. It is worth noting that in the first week of the new scheme starting, over 40 tonnes of food waste was collected throughout the District, which means 40 tonnes less going to landfill.
As always, both of your District Councillors can be contacted either by email, or phone.
cllr.stephen.davies@stroud.gov.uk tel. 07802 595307
cllr.john.jones@stroud.gov.uk tel 07808 922918