By the community, for the community

Bill Edwards -­ PROWD | 01453 824452 |

I hope that all of the stalwart walkers had a great walk on 20th Nov.

I have had an email from Woodland Trust informing me that the section of the Cotswold Way footpath that was being mis-used by Cyclists and Horse riders, is now going to have new signage to make very clear that they are to use the Bridleway only.

On the subject of Bridleways, I noticed that in the Nupend area, Horse riders are using the FOOTPATHS, which are being churned-up. I would respectfully ask ALL Horse riders in that area to PLEASE, keep to the Bridleways so that footpaths are still walkable during the Winter.    Thank you.

I hope to do some footpath clearing and ' waymarking ' in Nupend in the coming months. Many people have supported me in demanding that a blocked footpath in Frocester is fully re-instated. In its present state, it is a danger to walkers on a busy lane. County Footpaths Officer is pursuing the matter.

One of our local Farmers , the only one to be supportive of " Open Green Spaces " is upset that walkers are "making" their own paths across his fields.  He fully accepts that walkers are entitled to use the TWO designated Public Rights Of Way,  and wants people keep to these paths. The fields concerned, are the last two fields between the new housing development in Swallowcroft, and Cress Green. Most walkers respect the Country Code, please do the same and keep to the two existing paths.  Thank you.

We now have three printed maps of walks around Eastington. They are available, free, at The Kings Head Hotel and The Old Badger, and are were made possible by the financial generosity of our Parish Council.

Next Walk :  Sunday 18th December  14:00 at The Kings Head. A lovely one hour stroll before the Holiday !!!!

Please contact me if you have any footpath issues, Tel. 824452, email:

Best  wishes for a Happy  Yuletide and a healthy New Year..        

 Bill   Edwards

Our walking group welcomes everyone from near and far in the Parish and links in with the PROWD group headed up by Bill Edwards (

We usually walk for about 3-4 hours on third week of the month. Dogs are welcome but to be put on leads near live stock, please, and do clear up mess etc.

We have all ages from little Dex who is four to older members. If you can cock your leg over a style you're in!!

Next Walk:  Sunday 18th December 2pm lead by Bill Edwards. Details will be shown on notice boards outside Badger and Co-op and on line.

Up and coming walks...January 15th, February 19th, March 19th details to follow.

On January 15th we will walk to Frampton on Severn. I did this recently and it's an absolutely fabulous route. We will probably set off earlier, say 1pm, to be confirmed. (to factor in drinking time at the Shoes!)

Please get in touch if you have any queries.

Why not join us on Facebook ?  Search  ‘Eastington Community Walking Group’

Vanessa Cousins 01453 828557 / 07806 802540       


Eastington Walking Group

No. 160  Dec 16 -Jan  17

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire