Will you help make using ANY mobile phone when driving
The Road Safety Partnership is seeking everyone’s help with this brand new road safety campaign.
Its aim is to change people’s attitudes about mobile phones and driving.
The national campaign will run between 14th and 20th November, but this is a life-saving matter for ever. Drivers must take responsibility for their behaviour behind the wheel.
We need your help to exert some social pressure on family and friends and anyone who might be risking YOUR life along with others.
Here are some ways you could help your community:
4. If you have a group newsletter or magazine perhaps you too could include an article -see http://think.direct.gov.uk/mobile-phones.html
The tragic deaths of four members of the same family on the A34, killed by a driver who was using his mobile phone and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, illustrates how vital this campaign is.
Using mobile phones is one of the most dangerous behaviours for motorists, putting drivers, passengers and others on the road at risk of death and serious harm. And it is a behaviour seen too frequently on our roads but together we can help to make it socially unacceptable.
Some Facts:
“No Mobile, When Mobile”
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