By the community, for the community

Snakey Park

Snakey Park - Eastington Playground Project


If you'd like to find out more and get involved please pm us on our facebook page:-

Eastington Playground Project aims to provide an inspiring play area

for all ages in Eastington.

An update from the playground

Things are progressing nicely in the playground and we are happy to give a few updates.

Skate Ramps

Most of our attention has been focused on fundraising and getting designs for the new skate ramps. The good news is that most of the funding is now in place. We have a budget of £60,000, we already have £40,000 and we have a funding application in for the final £20,000, we are expecting to hear the result of this any day now, so please keep your fingers crossed for us!

Once we have the funding in place we will be able to start fine tuning the design with our preferred supplier. We will be asking for users to come and meet the designers to ensure that we can include as many ideas as possible. If you would like to be involved please get in touch.

We are really grateful to the Parish Council and the committee of OHMG for their continued support.

Play Equipment

We now have funding in place from the section 106 money that was given to the community for the Swallowcroft development.

This will be used for further play equipment in the main park, we have chosen to put a slight delay on committing to specific items of equipment while we have been uncertain if any of the funds will be needed on the skate ramps, but we are hoping for some baby swings, a climbing frame, a roundabout and some form of shade or shelter. We will put updates on our facebook page as soon as we can.

Park Rangers

We recently asked for members of the community to come forward to help manage the park. As the area has grown in popularly we have found that we need to be able to check the site and empty the bin a little more often at peak times. We are pleased to say that we will be training up our first group of rangers in the early spring, because we have a larger group of volunteers available we shouldn’t need to ask anyone to volunteer more than once every few weeks.

If you would be interested in becoming a ranger please do get in touch.

No. 160  Dec 16 -Jan  17

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire