Your production team are Mary Gribble and Tom & Jan Low.
BUT we are just the technicians - it is all the great contributors out there in the community that are the stars of the show and make the magazine what it is.
This is absolutely YOUR magazine. We have no agenda other than to help us all to share with each other the ‘goings on’ in the Parish in a way that every one can access.
Why not join in ? Contributions are welcome from anyone connected to Eastington, and photos are always welcome too. Share your group’s activities and achievements or advertise your local ‘events’ (no charge at our discretion).
Just email to
As you know, the paper magazine is delivered free to every home in the Parish. This is only possible thanks to an army of wonderful volunteers and a host of loyal advertisers. If you have a local business and would like to support the magazine whilst reaching every single resident in the parish (and beyond via the blue pages) then please email for our modest price list. We will be printing a new set of ‘blue pages’ soon, and big discounts are on offer.
If you would like to help out in any way at all or have ideas to share then please email
We hope you enjoy this special edition
- and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Do you tweet?
If so, please follow us @eastingtonnews and retweet us to your followers.
We will not fill up your timeline with daily tweets, but we try to keep you in touch with all things Eastington-related - ECN news updates, special event reminders and notices.
Don’t be left out!
Then why not join in the Parish conversation
at ‘Love Eastington’ on facebook!
Over 800 Eastington-o-philes have already joined and Eastington-related posts are welcome from all group members. You don’t have to ‘join’ just to see what is being said.
Also, keep up to date with breaking news at
Our own facebook page
If you don’t already have a facebook account, this could be a great reason to open one!
Don’t forget to visit the What’s On pages for more events details
And visit the Blue Pages for all your local trades and services
Lots of good news !
News from our Parish and District Councillors.
Advice from our new Village Agent, and from Police liason
Updates on WoS and Ecotricity
Featuring the School Photo Competition
All the Christmas services and special events
An update from the ECLT and from the Playground, lots of photos fro ECO and news from our regulars
Any one remember Mr Beebee ?
Renovating Eastington Pond
Photos from the Playgroup Xmas Fayre, Goings on at Halloween and our very own Airshow!
Ramble with Rudolph - and an invitation to a Christmas Lunch
Eastington Community News Magazine. Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire
Parish Council Newsletter |
District council Newsletter |
Council links |
Village Agent |
Police Liason |
Road Safety |
West of Stonehouse (WoS) |
Ecotricity |
Eastington Primary School |
Playgroup |
For the Little Ones |
St Michaels Anglican Church |
Eastington Methodist Church |
Cricket Club |
Community Land Trust |
E.C.Orchard Group. |
PROWD & Walking Group |
Slimming World |
Snakey Park |
Mr Beebee |
Pond Restoration |
Halloween |
Playgroup Xmas Fayre |
Easttington Air Show |
Community Christmas |
Eastington Events |
Activities nearby |