produced by the community, for the community

Stroud Valleys Project

 is a local environmental charity that

works across the Stroud District.

In partnership with Eastington Parish Council we are looking for volunteers who are interested in improving and restoring the wildlife pond adjacent to Eastington Community Centre.

The pond and wildlife area is in need of some love, care & attention with pond clearance, scrub control and access improvements needed.

We are initially planning three sessions at the pond in the New Year dates:

If you’re interested in getting involved please either

call us on 01453 735358,    email:

or alternatively pop in to our eco shop at 8 Threadneedle Street, Stroud, GL5 1AF.

Eastington Pond at present

No. 160  Dec 16 -Jan  17

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire