By the community, for the community

Volunteers win Multiple Grants

Several Volunteer groups have been working hard recently to bring money into our Parish to provide more community facilities.

November has seen the work of many months come to fruition for:-

Friends of Snakey Park £15,000 from Glos Environmental Trust, which means the Skate Park is now fully funded and work can start

Community Land Trust £10,000 from Locality to pay for the Feasibility Study for 23 Affordable Rent homes.

Community Orchards  £5,000 from Glos Environmental Trust, to pay for works at Brownings Orchard (trees, tree guards, fencing, gates etc)

All three groups benefited in October from grants channelled by the Parish Council, which helped to show to the external funding bodies that the Parish was supportive. For example, ECLT initially received £2,000 from the Solar Fund which demonstrated  “matched funding” to Locality - so £2000 seed-corn gained us £10,000 government money.

Well done to all those who toiled over submission criteria and on-line application forms (they are endless!).

Time for parishioners to come out and help these groups spend the money

and provide the skate park, orchard and homes !!

Merry Christmas, Eastington !!

Community Christmas Lunch ?

Are you on your own at Christmas?

Would you like to join with others at a Christmas Lunch in the Village Hall ?

If you would - or know someone that might - please phone Linda on 826503 or email ECN - and we will pass your mail on.

Alternatively, there are slips you can fill in at the Post Office in the village.

It will only happen if enough people would like to come,

so please make your interest known.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Poppy Appeal 2016.

So far in Eastington District we have raised £2254.43.

A big thank you especially to all those who helped with the street collections.

Kathryn Gribble, Poppy Appeal Local Organiser

No. 160  Dec 16 -Jan  17

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire