By the community, for the community

Letter from our District Councillors

Cllr Stephen Davies  and  Cllr John Jones

At the Stroud District Council Annual General meeting on May 18th, Cllr Norman Kay stood down as Council Chairman, and Cllr Gary Powell from Stonehouse was elected to serve for the coming year. Cllr Rachel Curley was appointed Vice Chair

The makeup of the 6 major Committees remained as before:-

All in all, on the Committee set up, it is very much the Status Quo

As ever, your District Councillors for Severn Ward, which includes Eastington, can be contacted on any District Council matters by email or phone:-

Cllr Stephen Davies.  Tel 07802 595307

Cllr John Jones      Tel 07808 922918

No. 163  Jun-Jul  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire