By the community, for the community

Links and addresses

Within Stroud District, Eastington is part of the ‘Severn’ Ward.

Severn Ward returns two district councillors:

Stephen Davies  and John Jones

Cllr. Stephen Davies:    Saul Lodge West, Arlingham Road, Saul, GL2 7JE


 Phone: 07802 595 307

Cllr. John Jones:          52 Paynes Meadow, Whitminster


Phone: 07808 922 918

 Stroud DC operate a ‘Neighbourhood Warden’ scheme. This is to help with the support of vulnerable people and to help deal with problems of anti-social behaviour such as bogus callers, hate crime and bullying, abandoned vehicles, litter, dog fouling, fly tipping and graffiti as well as offering home security and crime prevention advice.

Andy Murray is  Eastington’s  Neighbourhood Warden.

07876 405833

Eastington’s Parish Councillors are:-

Muriel Bullock  (Chair)

Pauline Allen

Alex Bomberg

Jennifer Corrie

Andrew Cozens

Alison Loveridge

Jill Simmons       tel: 01453 825303 (no email)

Mark Chatterley

Sharon Wells

Parish Clerk:    Julie Shirley

Eastington Parish Council    01453 799616


Click here to visit the Stroud District Council website

This is an excellent site, with easy access to all local services information

Our Gloucestershire County Councillor,  is  Lesley Williams


 phone: 01453 791277 / 822684

Cllr. Lesley Williams,  Orchard Dean, Castle Street, Kings Stanley, Stonehouse. Glos. GL10 3JX

Our NEW village agent is Penny French  07776 245726

Gloucestershire CC run a Village Agent scheme. This aims to help older people to have a better quality of life by  providing easy access to a wide range of information

Police Liaison; Eastington’s Local representative is:

PCSO 9081 Liz Ward,    Stroud Police Station


Phone 101 (non-emergency)

Click here to visit the Parish Council website

For parish council minutes etc

No. 163  Jun-Jul  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire