By the community, for the community

Bill Edwards -­ PROWD | 01453 824452 |

Walkie Talkies

Eastington Community Walking Group 01453 828557 / 07806 802540

Regular 'dog friendly' walks for all ages and abilities.   

Dear all

Having enjoyed many scenic and pleasurable walks over the past few months or so we will be entering a period of  more 'sporadic' organised walks until Sunday 17th September where we will reconvene 1pm at The Badger as usual. We will then return to our regular 3rd Sunday of each month. (Dates at end of bulletin).

We welcome everyone of all ages and abilities with open arms! If you can cock your leg over a stile without too much difficulty you're in! We are proud and delighted to have members in their 80's and little ones as young as 3 (and babies in slings) have joined us many times. If you've got any concerns please don't hesitate to phone me any time, I will be happy to answer your questions.

The Eastington Community Walking Group was created to reach out to anyone that wanted to join in basically. To explore new territory within the parish (and elsewhere) and find all the lovely routes, views and pastures in the locality. We have had a lot of fun together, enjoying the simple pleasures; fresh air, good company, heated debates and great beer down The Badger!

 Bill Edwards, as always, is my my inspiration and we wish his ankle a speedy recovery...come on Bill, come back to us soon.

Bill is the Footpaths officer for the parish and works tirelessly to ensure our footpaths are clear and passable. You may see him walking around and about the village with a brace of 'stripy lurchers' (sorry not quite a precise description) in his shorts in all weathers.

Thank you Bill for all your hard work!

Please watch the Facebook site for walking events coming up over the summer. I will let you know if anything is happening or please phone to get the latest.

We show our events on both of the parish boards one outside The Badger and the other outside the Co-op. Also the 'ECN' of course and don't forget to look at our Facebook page.

So, I do hope you will join us at some point. We look forward to welcoming you!

All the best

Vanessa Cousins


At last, the weather is 'picking-up' and its great to be able to walk without getting too muddy.

We now have two new kissing gates installed in our Parish, one by the M5 underpass ( EEA73 ) and one by Five Acre Grove ( EEA67 ).   

Thanks to all concerned, especially Alan Loveridge who, once again, has done a really great job on the installations.               

I met with the County Footpaths Officer on Thursday 11th to look at a bridge that needs replacing, and to discuss future kissing gate installations,..... three in Frocester Parish that adjoin paths in our Parish.  I also did some footpath clearance and way-marking.

If you have any concerns about footpath issues, please let me know!

                   Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy Summer.     

No. 163  Jun-Jul  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire