produced by the community, for the community

There has been a lot of discussion in recent weeks about the merit  vs. noise nuisance of the speed bumps on Alkerton Road.  The Parish Council has been dealing with Gloucestershire Highways looking at ways the speed bumps could be improved or removed and replaced with a different traffic calming scheme.  

The speed bumps have now been re-instated with reduced dimensions.   We  received the following response  from our Local Highways Manager which we’d like to share with you all so that everyone understands the situation  :-

“The options we have considered include not replacing the cushions at all, replacing with a different type of traffic calming measures (not a physical/vertical traffic calming feature) and amend the design and/or dimensions of the cushions.
I will first outline the processes for the installation of the cushions in the first instance and then the issues and thinking behind our decision; this matter has been discussed with our Improvements team and my line manager so that we have a comprehensive and consistent message for the parish and residents.

Having considered the pros and cons of the cushions it remains that GCCs position is that the cushions should be reinstated.  However we are prepared to reinstate them with reduced dimensions, so that they are slightly narrower and not as high.  It is felt that no cushions or a radically different traffic calming feature would not be appropriate.

As the highway authority we have to seriously consider the safety of persons using the highway.  As we have data that shows that a traffic calming scheme has been successful in reducing vehicle speeds and since its introduction there have been no recorded injury collisions, it would be remiss of us to pursue the lessening of that safety scheme.   In the event that the speed cushions in question were removed and then an accident were to occur in proximity to that site, there would be serious questions asked about the Council and officers involved about that decision, especially in light of the data we have on speeds and accident.

I appreciate that some people will be disappointed with this decision, but I trust I have sufficiently outlined how this decision has been made.”

The Parish Council understands that this response will be disappointing to some parishioners and we welcome thoughts and views at upcoming meetings.

No. 163  Jun-Jul  2017

Eastington Community News Magazine.  Community news for and by the people of Eastington, Gloucestershire